
There might be cases where rules might not apply under certain circumstances. For those occasions, you can use exceptions. Exceptions are also written in rego, and allow you to specify policies for when a given deny or violation rule does not apply.

Inputs matched by the exception will be exempted from the rules specified in rules, prefixed by deny_ or violation_:

exception[rules] {
  # Logic

  rules = ["foo","bar"]

The above would provide an exception from deny_foo and violation_foo as well as deny_bar and violation_bar.

Note that if you specify the empty string, the exception will match all rules named deny or violation. It is recommended to use identifiers in your rule names to allow for targeted exceptions.


Exceptions are reported as a separate tally in Conftest's output, so you can detect when exceptions are being made. For example, you might see this summary:

2 tests, 1 passed, 0 warnings, 0 failures, 1 exception.


In the below example, a Kubernetes deployment named can-run-as-root will be allowed to run as root, while others will not:

package main

deny_run_as_root[msg] {
  input.kind == "Deployment"
  not input.spec.template.spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot

  msg := "Containers must not run as root"

exception[rules] {
  input.kind == "Deployment"
  input.metadata.name == "can-run-as-root"

  rules := ["run_as_root"]